Deep Carbon Cycle is no longer an active organization or initiative. This website serves solely as a historical reference and archive of its previous research, projects, and contributions to the field. The information provided here reflects the work done during its active years, but the project is no longer operational.
Explore the hands-on activities and interactive learning experiences designed to deepen your understanding of the fascinating relationship between diamonds, mantle geodynamics, and the deep carbon cycle. These activities aim to engage students, educators, and geology enthusiasts by bringing Earth’s hidden processes to life. Whether you’re interested in volcanic eruptions, diamond formation, or the journey of carbon through Earth’s mantle, these activities provide an immersive way to learn.
In this activity, participants will simulate how diamonds form deep within the mantle under extreme pressure and temperature. While real diamonds require millions of years to form, this experiment uses sugar crystals to illustrate the concept of carbon crystallization.
Materials Needed:
This interactive board game allows players to explore how carbon travels through Earth’s layers—ocean, atmosphere, crust, and mantle—mimicking the decade-deep carbon cycle. Players encounter real-world scenarios like volcanic eruptions, tectonic shifts, and fossil fuel extraction, learning how each event impacts the carbon cycle.
The goal was to keep the carbon cycle balanced and reach a “stable climate state.” Each player takes on the role of a geoscientist, managing Earth’s natural carbon reserves.
Game Highlights:
In this activity, participants will map the locations of kimberlite eruptions—rare volcanic events that carry diamonds from deep within the mantle to the surface. Using maps and geological data, students will discover how diamonds provide clues about the mantle’s composition.
What You’ll Learn:
Experience the power of volcanic eruptions in this virtual simulation, where you’ll trigger eruptions and see how carbon dioxide was released into the atmosphere. The simulation includes real-world volcanic examples and allows participants to measure CO₂ emissions before and after eruptions.
Learning Objectives:
This creative activity involves building a 3D model that demonstrates how carbon moves through Earth’s layers—from the crust, down to the mantle, and back to the atmosphere via volcanic eruptions. Participants can use clay, cardboard, and recycled materials to bring the mantle to life.
Visualize how the deep carbon cycle works and understand the role of geological processes in maintaining Earth’s carbon balance.
Inspired by the natural carbon storage process in the Earth’s mantle, this challenge tasks participants with designing a mini carbon capture device. Using materials like sponges, filters, and balloons, participants must build a system to “trap” carbon dioxide from the air.
What You’ll Learn:
Take a guided field trip to a local volcanic site or geological museum to see igneous rocks, diamonds, and carbon-rich minerals up close. This hands-on experience brings classroom concepts to life, offering a firsthand look at how volcanic processes impact Earth’s deep carbon cycle.
Trip Highlights:
Engage in a lively classroom debate about the role of volcanic CO₂ emissions. Participants will discuss whether volcanic activity can offset human-made emissions or if human impacts are overwhelming the natural carbon cycle.
Debate Topics:
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