Deep Carbon Cycle is no longer an active organization or initiative. This website serves solely as a historical reference and archive of its previous research, projects, and contributions to the field. The information provided here reflects the work done during its active years, but the project is no longer operational.
The diamond collection was registered under the System for Earth Sample Registration (SESAR). Sample registration was ongoing as specimens were added.
SESAR was part of the Integrated Earth Data Alliance (IEDA), hosted at the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University and funded by LDEO and the National Science Foundation. “SESAR operates a registry that distributes the International Geo Sample Number IGSN. SESAR catalogs and preserves sample metadata profiles, and provides access to the sample catalog via the Global Sample Search.
The IGSN or International GeoSample Number was an alphanumeric code that was assigned to specimens and related sampling features such as drill holes or wells to ensure their unique identification and unambiguous referencing of data generated by the study of samples.” At this point approximately 1600 diamonds had been accessioned into the registry.
Protocol for Sample Requests and Analysis of Deep Carbon Observatory Diamond Collection
The diamond collection consists of diamonds purchased with DCO funding for the specific purposes of establishing a legacy collection of diamonds that were readily available for researcher to study, as part of a coordinated effort. Details of the samples existing in the collection can be found here.
Samples may be requested by submitting a research proposal to Steve Shirey and Graham Pearson. The proposal will then be circulated to the Advisory Board who will make a decision on whether to approve the proposed use of the samples. They will use “Best Practice” guidelines recommended by the Society of Mineral Museum Professionals when considering applications.
• Name of Researcher
• Affiliation
• Project title
• Project description, including main aims#
• Methods to be used, specific names of laboratories and staff involved in analysis
• Level of sample pre-characterisation required
• Nature of sample preparation to be used and amount of sample required – no methodological testing that involves > 40% mass loss of the sample will be approved unless exceptional circumstances were demonstrated.
• Justification for any destructive testing
• Description of how data will be archived and an statement agreeing to send a copy of all data generated when published
• A report on the research analysis should be sent to the collection
Plans for dissemination of information in a way that benefits the research and/or public community.
Note: – Samples should be returned to as soon as practically possible and will at all times, remain the property of the collection and the – DCO sample archive should be credited at all times.
N.B. – Individual researchers will be responsible for adhering to correct Kimberley Process procedures for sample shipping, including filing KP documents with the relevant authorities.
Carbon isotopic measurement by ion microprobe
All remaining sample materials following analysis were to be returned for storage at DTM Carnegie, where the collection was held.
The establishment of a database of diamond data, called “DiamondDB” from the literature had been initiated.
A special diamond-specific data template had been created that will allow for the unique data types that diamond researchers collect. It was not yet operational but data from the following papers had been input.
When operational, DiamondDB will function like its siblings PetDB, SedDB, and NavDat. These databases were part of EarthChem which, like SESAR was hosted at LDEO.
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