
Deep Carbon Cycle is no longer an active organization or initiative. This website serves solely as a historical reference and archive of its previous research, projects, and contributions to the field. The information provided here reflects the work done during its active years, but the project is no longer operational.

New Special Issue of Lithos: The Nature of Diamonds and Their Use in Earth’s Study

The 15 November 2016 edition of the journal Lithos delves into the role of natural diamonds in deep Earth research.

Titled “The nature of diamonds and their use in Earth’s study,” the 15 November 2016 edition of the journal Lithos delves into the role of natural diamonds in deep Earth research. This special issue was edited by DCO scientists involved the Reservoirs and Fluxes initiative, Diamonds and the Mantle Geodynamics of Carbon (DMGC).

This special issue of Lithos was compiled in recognition of the second International Diamond School, which took place in January 2015 in Bressanone, Italy. The Deep Carbon Observatory and the Gemological Institute of America sponsored the school, which brought together more than 80 graduate students and postdocs from around the world. Many of the students of the school are authors in the special issue.

Fabrizio Nestola (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy), Matteo Alvaro (Università degli Studi di Pavia, Italy), Graham Pearson (University of Alberta, Canada), and Steven Shirey (Carnegie Institution for Science, USA) edited a selection of 30 original research articles from 134 authors for the issue. The papers cover four main research areas: geochemistry, diamond forming fluids, and diamond origin sources; geothermo-barometry and geochronology of diamonds; super-deep diamonds, carbonado-like diamonds and diamondites; and innovative methods for the investigation of diamonds.



The nature of diamonds and their use in earth’s study F. Nestola, M. Alvaro, D.G. Pearson, S.B. Shirey